
We see our mission as building bridges between the American and Ukrainian people. To accomplish this goal we have been involved in these projects since 2014:

  • Conducted multimedia “classes” with the City of Calabasas Savvy Senior program to describe the current state of affairs in E. Europe, history of the Ashkenazi Ukraine, its importance to our culture, religion, food, and customs. 
  • Organized guided tours of UA for groups of up to 20 people each.
  • Collected more than $80K in donations – 100% of the collected funds were distributed to the Ukrainian volunteers to purchase humanitarian aid, vehicles, drones, bulletproof vests and other equipment.
  • Work on the Sister City program between the City of Calabasas and a town in UA. The goal is to help a given town to recover from the brutal invasion and occupation.
  • Travel to Ukraine (May, 2023) to personally participate in a “fact finding” mission. Planning to meet with volunteers, veterans, Rabbi Azman – Chief Rabbi of UA. Will visit schools, hospitals, orphanages, distribute medication to the remote UA villages, etc. 

Here is a list of some of our war-related projects:

Completed projects.

Слава Україні! / Glory to Ukraine!